Women Empowerment Volunteering program in Nepal

Empowering Women

Volunteer Society Nepal understands that women’s empowerment is an essential step towards empowering families and communities, so our education program works to teach languages, mathematics, and practical skills to women in Kathmandu. Due to a lack of awareness and access to quality education in Nepal, gender discrimination is a significant problem that is fueled by long-held superstitious beliefs and political leaders’ decreased political vision. The socio-economic status of women in Nepal is inferior; women are discriminated against in every aspect of society, including health, education, participation, income generation, decision-making, access to policymaking, and human rights. While the general health of Nepalese people is one of the lowest in Asia, it is awful for women; Nepal is one of the few countries in the world where life expectancy for women is lower than for men. One-fifth of women get married at the early ages of 15-19, and as a result of youth pregnancy and premature births, the rate of women dying preventable deaths is very high. All of these statistics: the high birth rates, low life expectancy, and high infant and maternal mortality rates indicate the poor health status of women. There are very few women working in professional fields in Nepal. They may study law, but few can enter the profession. Women’s representation in the bureaucracy is also deficient. Women are decision-makers in crop management, domestic expenditure (food items, clothes and other expenses), children’s education, religious and social travel, and household maintenance. However, beyond this, women’s decision-making roles seem to have declined in recent years.
In Nepal, violence against women is rampant. Research projects in Nepal concluded that 66 per cent of women have endured verbal abuse and 33 per cent emotional abuse, while 77 per cent of the perpetrators were family members (UNICEF 2001). Traditionally, the status of women in Nepal was determined by the patriarchal social system and values. Still, now, women’s rights are preserved and protected by the state and specific policies for the development of women. The government and other civil society groups are working hard to combat this issue, but there is still plenty of work to be done to end violence against women effectively.

What does women’s empowerment do?

Educate the Women:

We can make a difference in improving women’s literacy rates in Nepal. Volunteer Society Nepal has regularly provided regular literacy classes to more than 30 women, many of whom have never seen formal education. VSN provides essential reading and writing classes in English and Nepali and mathematics for simple accounting purposes. National statistics show that the women’s literacy rate in Nepal is only 30 per cent. In comparison, male literacy has reached 66 per cent. The enrollment of women in higher education is only 24.95 per cent, and women’s involvement in technical and vocational education is also lower than men. These statistics are due to the social norms and culture that we follow, such as the idea in rural areas that girls are “paraya dhan” (others’ property) and therefore aren’t given the opportunity for education.

Vocational Training:

Volunteer Society Nepal has established a life-skill training program through teaching tailoring to more than 25 women. After this training, they can make money to become economically active and independent. Much of Nepali women’s work is not considered an economic activity, so as a result, only 45.2 per cent of women (compared to 68.2 per cent of men) are classified as economically active. A woman’s daily work burden increases incrementally annually and averages around 10.9 hours daily. In comparison, men’s average work burden is only 7.8 hours daily.

In rural areas, women’s employment outside the household is generally limited to planting, weeding, and harvesting. Meanwhile, in urban areas, they are employed in domestic and traditional jobs and in the government sector in low-level positions.

Income Generation:

Women are economically dependent on men (father, husband or brother), and as men are traditionally considered assertive and family breadwinners, they are focused on worldly success. Women are significantly confined to the household and soft nature of farmyard activities. Still, the households and society directly and indirectly deny or discourage women’s role as decision-makers. Nepal’s women contribute substantially as labourers and mentors in the household and outside. However, their role should be recognized more as economic activity. Being heads of households, women have to carry out the full traditional roles with the added responsibility of household and production management. The connection between poverty and women’s lack of power over resources and decision-making has now caught the attention of policymakers in government and mainstream development worldwide. Both state and non-state agencies address women empowerment issues perceived nationally or locally. Besides the government intervention, NGOs are implementing various types of Women Empowerment Programmes, including IG Programmes. Women Empowerment Programmes in Nepal include livelihood support Programmes, rehabilitation and job placement for rescued women, safe motherhood Programmes, etc. Despite the involvement of various NGOs in women empowerment through Income Generation and Skill Development Programmes, the status of women is still not satisfactory in Nepal as different official, as well as unofficial reports, claims and outcomes against the stated objectives of the NGOs’ Womens Empowerment Programmes, are often questioned. Therefore, the present study is focused on assessing the impact of income generation programmes run by non-government organizations on empowering women. The skill training, resource inputs of loans and equipment help to increase income to the women through independent business or work in the related field; the increased income lessens their dependence on family heads and enables them to spend for personal expenses; gives them certain freedoms as individuals; enables them to contribute to family affairs financially, which creates an environment in the family in favour of the women to accept her views and participation in family matters like education, marriage, and purchase.

Join Our Volunteering Programs:

We offer women’s empowerment volunteering opportunities depending on your skills and interests to make a difference by joining our volunteering, internship, and charity tourism programs so that we can run our projects smoothly.

As a women’s empowerment volunteer, you may:

  • Teach Basic English reading and writing skills
  • Teach them mathematics and accounting skills
  • Teach them basic computer education
  • Hold workshops, classes, and training to interact about women’s rights and health issues
  • Organize fun activities
  • Plan and implement tour and recreational program
  • Organize games
  • Introduce new products and training programs.
  • Organize women’s health checkup program
