Medical Elective interns in Nepal

Interning in Nepal with Volunteer Society Nepal (VSN) will help you boost your resume, gain skills and real-world experience in a particular field, and engage in meaningful cultural exchange.

We offer internship program in Nepal for international students. As an international intern you will not only provide beneficial aid and value to your placement, but you will also help nurture a developing economy. Volunteer Society Nepal (VSN) offers internship program in various field in Nepal for international students.

Interning in Nepal with Volunteer Society Nepal (VSN) will help you boost your resume, gain skills and real-world experience in a particular field, and engage in meaningful cultural exchange. Volunteer Society Nepal (VSN) will arrange your placement so that you provide new benefits and services for organizations in developing countries. In the long run, Volunteer Society Nepal (VSN) interns bring more cross-cultural understanding into the world.

Volunteer Society Nepal (VSN) internships abroad in various fields in Nepal. Through our intern abroad programs, your time and efforts will be greatly appreciated and your role will be important.

The internship offers you the chance to learn by doing in a setting where you are supervised by a work-place professional, and have the opportunity to achieve your own learning goals, without the responsibilities of being a permanent employee.

An internship also offers you the opportunity to work with someone who can become a mentor for you – not only in the internship, but throughout your career.

Medical Intern in Nepal

Interning in Nepal on a medical internship with Volunteer Society Nepal (VSN) is an excellent way to become involved in some of the poorest medical institutions in the developing world. As a medical intern in Nepal, you will have the opportunity to observe medical work in a variety of departments.

Most Medical Elective/Interns in Nepal work in Banepa, Kathmandu,Chitawan and Pokhara’s Hospitals and polyclinics.

Your Role as a Medical Intern in Nepal

We will ask you which departments you would like to specialize in from the following options: General Medicine, Gynecology/Maternity, Infectious Diseases, ENT, Obstetrics, Psychiatric ward, Neurology, Pneumology, Oncology, Urology, ICU, Ophthalmology, Stomatology, Emergency (requires at least 6 years medical training) and Surgery (requires at least 3 years medical training).

All Medical Elective interns in Nepal must have completed at least one year of medical related studies or training by the time they join this project or at least three years to work at the pediatric hospital. Each internship is tailored to your level of experience and interests.

The hospital staff request that you spend a minimum of two weeks in each department. Your supervisor at the hospital, the Director, will then assign you to work with the specialist doctors within the different departments. We will do our best to place you according to your preferences, but cannot guarantee every department will be available all of the time.

Your role at the hospital will vary depending on your education and experience level. Usually, you will shadow the local staff upon arrival before switching departments. If you show enthusiasm and develop a good relationship with the medical staff, you may find that you gain enough trust to be given more to do. As with any job – and especially in the field of medicine – you must prove yourself to be trustworthy before you are given responsibilities.

The hospital’s facilities are basic and the treatment standards will probably be different from what you’re used to. You should be prepared to see some shocking cases and try not to get emotionally involved with the patients. Normal working hours are from Sunday to Friday from 8am to 12pm. Many of the doctors do not work in the afternoons though it is sometimes possible to arrange extra hours from 2pm to 5pm to help the nurses or do additional work with patients. Some interns have even arranged to work the occasional night shift.

Most of the doctors speak English. In some departments there are staff who speaks a little English or from time to time there may also be local medical interns who can also communicate in English

Physiotherapy Internship in Nepal

There is a real shortage of skilled physical therapists in Nepal. If you’re currently training with at least one year of experience, recently qualified, or on a career break, you’ll provide valuable treatment to babies, children, and adults with a wide range of physical problems.

The experiences you’ll have on physical therapy placement abroad will give you a greater understanding of how professionals in the fields work in a developing country while providing valuable experience overseas.

Everyone doing a Physical Therapy project in Nepal must have completed at least one year of related studies or training by the time they join the project. Interns with a year or more experience, but who are not yet fully qualified, work at the disabled rehabilitation Center in Kathmandu. Therapists who are fully qualified and can commit to at least eight weeks on the project work at one of the rehabilitation hospitals or rehabilitation center in Kathmandu. The centers are located in Kathmandu and Banepa. Banepa is located about one hour driving from Kathmandu.

The rehabilitation center has over twenty children and the majority of them are physically or mentally disabled. The Center was established in 2008 to provide physiotherapy service and special education for children from the city and other provinces. The children at the center are very vulnerable and require constant care. It is important for volunteers to have a positive attitude and a real willingness to help children with a wide range of physical and mental disabilities.

The physical therapy department has scheduled children to spend quality time in the physical therapy room as often as possible. Each child has different needs: some are learning to walk while others suffer from muscular problems. Other children need to have their joints massaged regularly to maintain their physical health. Extra assistance from interns with these tasks will allow more children to use the room and get treatment on a regular basis.

The physical therapy room is relatively well equipped and includes cushions, balls, mats, and specialized chairs.

Here you will work alongside one of the local physical therapists and assist children and adults with a variety of conditions including landmine victims, people who have suffered from polio, people with cerebral palsy, and children with club feet. Depending on your level of knowledge and experience you may be given your own patients to work with.

Tourism Internship in Nepal

In this program we will give you placements in Nepal based touring agencies and Travel companies. Task for tourism interns may include assisting or handling tour groups, assisting in the other areas like marketing, creating guides, and running social media, business management, tour consulting and other work as per the need of the company. Intern with a tour operator, travel agent, or other agencies devoted for promoting the travel and tourism market in Nepal. You will gain a great practical work experience working within what are typically smaller companies, giving you great exposure to many aspects of business in the field for your future career!

If you like do Internship in Travel & Tourism sectors in Nepal and gain valuable professional experience working in Nepal based Travel & Tourism Companies, then this can be the right internship program for you!

Without being on the ground and learning the realities of working in tourism, you will only be able to understand this industry through classes or books. Besides the training and skills development, interning abroad in tourism gives you a boost on your resume and in future job application.

The internship in tourism will give you a better understanding of cross-cultural communication and let you see how tourism operates in another country. If you choose to intern allows you to develop skills in an additional language, this will further set you apart in your career. Regardless of where you intern in tourism, you will learn how to work under pressure, be a part of a team, and think on your feet. A global perspective is increasingly important for those working in tourism abroad, and a tourism internship is an important first step.

Social Work Internship In Nepal

Interning in Nepal is one of the best ways to learn about the variety of challenges facing social workers Nepal, and the ways social workers meet those challenges. Interns learn about the day-to-day work of social welfare and outreach, and about how to work with different cultural values.

As in many developing countries, women and children often feel the brunt of lacking resources. Many people are homeless, and while there are vast efforts to move them into shelters and orphanages, most of these facilities are poorly funded, under-staffed, and in need of assistance. As an intern, you will help with the general operation of these centers, develop recreation programs for the children, assist kids with school work, and serve as a mentor.

Having an international internship on the resume indicates self-motivation, commitment to the social work field, and the ability to adapt to a variety of circumstances.

Nepal interns working with orphanages will assist in health education, teaching English, developing creative talents such as arts and crafts, painting and playing games, among other related activities. Other voluntary work includes helping with cooking, washing clothes for the kids, washing dishes, doing regular home chores and assisting with their homework.

Sports/ Physical Education Internship in Nepal

The main emphasis of the Physical Education Project is to get as many children and teenagers involved as possible. Offering sporting activities in this way helps youth become fitter and healthier, as well as gain a sense of belonging to a team with a common goal. This in turn has positive benefits for the wider society because the youth in the local community are engaged in meaningful activities, which give them structure and purpose.

Volunteer Society Nepal (VSN) offers overseas volunteers to volunteer as a physical education volunteer teacher in schools. To work as a PE volunteer with Volunteer Society Nepal (VSN) is a great way for you to get practical coaching experience while immersing yourself in the local community. You can get involved as part of a gap year, career break, or vacation, and you don’t need previous coaching experience to join. All you need is a passion for fitness and a commitment to helping children and teenagers develop their physical ability!

In Nepal, you will be based at either an elementary or high school where you will teach PE classes to students between the ages 6 and 18 years old. The number of students in each class varies from about 20 to 45 students. Classes usually last 45 minutes and take place in the school’s yard or on playing field. Classes are managed every day for two to three periods. The most popular sports in Nepal are soccer; cricket and basketball.

Typically, volunteers start off as the PE teacher’s assistant and in some instances may lead the class in an activity. With time, depending on your ability and enthusiasm, you may be given a more prominent role within the class. You can expect to get involved with a variety of activities, such as

  • Teaching soccer, cricket, volleyball and basketball during PE classes
  • Arranging a mini sports Day for the students
  • Running core strength class

Depending on the location of your placement, you will stay with a local host family. This project offers you a real chance to use your athletic skills while interacting with Nepali teachers and students and playing a role in the local community. You will find the development you see in your students to be incredibly rewarding, while at the same time knowing that you are a part of a bigger network of volunteers and teachers who are actively making a difference in the lives of Nepal’s youth.

As we have rehabilitation center in Kathmandu you volunteer at the center as well where you can work with disabled children. The goal here is to teach sports and physical activities that can help improve coordination, such as badminton, soccer, and core strength exercises. By working at the rehabilitation center, you can also contribute by helping out in the life skills room, and feeding area

Nursing Internship in Nepal

If you’re pursuing a career in nursing, getting some work experience is the best way to get started. By taking you behind the scenes of a real hospital, we’ll show you what it’s really like to work on the front line of healthcare delivery in Nepal.

Our nursing Internship program is designed to help you discover, first-hand, what being a nurse is really like. You’ll spend shadowing nursing staff in one of our partner hospitals.

During your internship you will likely come into contact with many easily preventable diseases and illnesses, many of which originate from malnutrition. Departments you could work in include general health services, orthopedics, ophthalmology, dental services, ENT, x-ray, ultrasound, and neurology.

There are a variety of hospitals or centers where you could work. For instance, you could intern at a facility dedicated to the field of trauma, orthopedics, or rehabilitation. Alternatively, you may be based at a leading center for the functional mobility of physically disabled children. You may work in hospitals and other medical centers in and around either in Kathmandu, Pokhara or Banepa, Bhaktapur, Chitwan. Through observing local nurses you will be exposed to many conditions and diseases you would not normally see at home.

If there is an area of nursing you would like to specialize in we should be able to arrange it. Please let us know what your preferences are when you apply. Everest Foundation Nepal will help match you to a placement that will best suit you.

The local nurses in Nepal will mostly deal with the direct treatment of the patients. As an intern you will shadow the nurses and observe their work. You will find that things are done much differently than you are used to. For instance, much of the basic care for patients is usually handled by the patients’ families.

You may have the chance to spend time on community outreach projects organized by the hospital where you are working. These are usually done on a monthly or bi-monthly basis, except during the rainy season from June to September. The outreach projects offer free health checks and distribute basic medication to suburban or remote communities. Nursing Interns may have the opportunity to visit local schools to lead health and hygiene classes.

Teaching Internship in Nepal

Schools in Nepal often lack appropriate funding and resources to adequately teach children. As English is an international language, it is becoming more and more of a required skill for job placement, educational advancement and future success. Many classes are delivered in English by Nepali teachers, who frequently have only a basic level English. Besides formal teaching, teaching Interns may get involved in organizing activities which encourage the personal development of students, using their initiative to learn life skills. teaching Interns may form student groups, which allow further educational experiences for the children, with a particular focus on capacity-building and English language development.

If you enjoy teaching and work great with children, this is the perfect internship for you. This is a very good opportunity for interns with an educational background to learn the basic fundamentals of teaching a class and gain some experience in their desired profession. Though no teaching experience or skill is needed, interns joining the teaching program should have good English, both written and verbal. Interns are expected to be flexible and patient. You should have passion and love for teaching, English and conversation.

As an Intern Teacher, you may:

  • Teach English, mathematics, environmental science, pure science, international history, computer science
  • Organize extra-curricular activities like games, drawing, singing, dancing and other creative education activities
  • Support for educational tours, homework, monitoring academic progress and in administrative support.
  • Assist to main English teacher depending up on your confidence level and teaching experience.

Most students of the school are between the ages of 5 and 13. In Nepal, the English teacher follows fixed English curricula. Therefore, you will mostly follow fixed English curricula (each grade has its own English book). If you want, you can work as a main teacher. Generally you are not alone and will be assisted by other teachers within the school. Interns who teach English in Nepal work with several teaching project in several Government or private schools in any parts of Nepal. In Nepal, English is not part of the standard primary public school curriculum. Compared to students at the private schools, students at the public schools have very little knowledge of basic English. Your role as an intern can make a difference in these student’s lives and prepare them for an easier transition to higher schools. Many Nepali children dream of speaking English.

Public Health Internship In Nepal

Volunteer Society Nepal (VSN) has exciting Public Health internship and volunteer opportunities available for undergraduate and graduate students. This position will complement education with experience to best prepare candidates for the professional public health world awaiting them upon graduation.

As a volunteer or intern, you’ll gain real-life experience and contribute to the health and well-being of the community in which you serve. Participating in public health internships or volunteer positions helps give you a well-rounded, solid education, and your experience will be invaluable

Public Health volunteer/ intern opportunities range from HIV epidemiology or prevention, emergency preparedness, tobacco control, women’s health, environmental health, health policy, health communications, STI’s, nutrition, prenatal and postnatal care, human waste management, water quality and other public health issues or community health in the field and basic first aid training. It is the novelty of foreign volunteers/ interns helping to deliver the knowledge that really helps to draw people in the community to these educational events.

Public Health volunteers/ Interns may organize First Aid Training and basic hygiene Training. For doing this, Interns / volunteers not have advanced training. While placements can certainly make excellent use of highly trained first aid instructors, even a beginner can help to deliver basic first aid training overseas. A volunteer with a basic first aid course and a manual on basic first aid can deliver important training for children in orphanages and day cares, as well as for those living in rural areas with little access to formal education.
